Privacy Policy

Soft-Tiger Digital (Pty) Ltd. is committed to protecting your personal information.

While you can visit this website without registering or providing any personal information, you will need to register if you want to fully participate.

How does Soft-Tiger Digital Strategy use my personal information?

Soft-Tiger Digital Strategy asks for your name, e-mail address, and other personal information when you register simply to know who you are so we can communicate with you and help you participate in ways that you find beneficial.

We only share your anonymous data with Google Enhanced Demographics and Interests Reporting for marketing analysis and do not share your information with anyone else outside of Soft-Tiger Digital.

Soft-Tiger Digital will not share the personal information it receives!

We do not sell personal information to anyone. We also do not share any website usage information with any other companies, individuals, or marketers outside of Soft-Tiger Digital.

Contacting Soft-Tiger Digital regarding privacy:

If you have any concerns about privacy on our site or you wish to have your personal information deleted, please let us know by email at [email protected]

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